a while at Sylvia's expense. But to find a job?
The only temp agency was affiliated with the
University. He had asked Robert, who worked
at the WDR (regional TV station), whether he
knew something, but alas. Eventually he had
even found two jobs. Some evenings washing
dishes at the Italian restaurant where they
ate sometimes and Thursdays bartender in
the Filmdose, (film can). A bar where they
went, when they weren't going to Blue Shell.

Living together in a small room didn't
last very long. Especially since Sylvia
wasn't very good at getting up early in
the morning as well and then Harry got
the blame that she had missed another
important lecture. So Harry was very
relieved when he could rent a room with
the downstairs neighbors. A couple, he
was motorcycle courier and she a truck
driver, and therefore usually not at home.