
Light Red Over Black, 1957

They walked into the Rothko room of the Tate
Gallery. If Harry had been stoned, he probably
would have liked these paintings very much.
A classmate of Sylvia wrote a thesis on Mark
Rothko. About "the sublime" as an aesthetic
principle. Esoteric mumbo jumbo ... according
to Sylvia. In my opinion ... have you ever been
in the bath absent-mindedly looking outside
through the bathroom window? And then
closing your eyes and seeing the after image
fading in strange colors? That is what I see
in these Rothko's. Gee, that might make sense,
Harry thought. But then they were already in
an other room and their attention was drawn
by a number of museum staff members who
were carefully building a mountain of coal.
Afterwards they're gonna plant a Belgian flag
on top of it, Sylvia knew. Marcel Broodthaers.

Yet Sylvia would have to add someone to
her list, that she had never heard of.
In a gallery in Mayfair they saw a white
monochrome that was not a painting.
A light projection by James Turrell.