because he barely came outdoors anymore.
He was taping and freaking over there in
the Stollwerck. But hadn't the first electronic
composers also begun with a tape recorder?
In California? The Mongolian prince
Ussachevsky in 1951 with an Ampex 400.

With the background singers he had rehearsed
songs by Exile, Lipps inc. and Donna Summer,
but the cover band wouldn't have it. He sampled
New Order bass lines, brought that to a Devo
rhythm and let Annette sing using a vocoder.
It didn't have to be too much Kraftwerk-like,
although to some extent ... people had to come
out on the dance floor ... maybe something like
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft, Fad Gadget ...
Exile, Lipps Inc., Donna Summer, New Order, Devo,
Kraftwerk, DAF, Fad Gadget... YouTube Playlist
Yes, that was it. They could just go on stage
like DAF did ... with cassette decks. Sylvia
and Annette would sing and he operated the
equipment. First he had to come up with more
songs. The first appearance as an opening act
for the cover band was not entirely satisfactory,
but there were people dancing. Now he had to
find a name for the band and book a real gig
somewhere. A good name for the band was: USK ...
Ute, Schnute & Kasimir. (commercial bumper
comic strip characters). Of course the girls
quarreled about who would be Ute or Schnute.