the Entropy bus to move all of his stuff to
Cologne. Sylvia had come along, because
in Eindhoven wasn't there the Van Abbe
museum? Yes ... had he ever been there?
No ... they had a work of a one her favorite
painters. Lucio Fontana. A monochrome
canvas with a vertical curved slash.

Concetto Spaziale: Attesa (1960)
Turned out they also had piece of one
Harry's high school friends, Piet Dirkx.
Painted cigar boxes stacked on a beam
mounted to the wall with a couple of
anchor bolts. His father had been a
cigar maker. But practical Harry was
more interested in Christian Boltanski.
Who had bought a student interior and
rebuilt it in the museum. Harry wished
it would have been his paraphernalia.

Although ... some of his things were quite
indispensable. Especially his electronics.
The self built Apple IIe, a Farfisa organ,
the Leslie box, redundant Entropy equipment,
including a Minimoog ... In which he had
hidden some hash to smuggle into Germany.